About Fenwood Beach
Nearly three decades ago, in August 1996, The Fenwood Swim Club became a part of Old Saybrook history, and the District of Fenwood became a reality. The committee of concerned citizens that created the special tax district was instrumental in helping Fenwood residents keep the waterfront theirs.
The Great Nor’easter of ’92, sometimes dubbed “The Storm of the Century,” destroyed Fenwood’s wooden fishing pier on December 12th. The storm had sustained winds of over 60 mph and heavily damaged much of the Connecticut shoreline. Union, Connecticut, received over 30″ of snow, while Woonsocket, RI, got nearly 8″ of liquid precipitation.
The Fenwood Swim Club did not have the means to repair the pier adequately and, without the ability to borrow the necessary funds, nearly saw the property go to either the town or the state. Forming the District with the ability to tax created the creditworthiness necessary to obtain a construction loan and rebuild the pier.
The first two attempts at creating a district failed by narrow margins, but the vote in 1996 won by the necessary two-thirds. The hard work and persistence paid off and helped create the neighborhood we now live in.

The District Of Fenwood
P.O. BOX 328
Old Saybrook, CT 06475